Roger Galletley, who was Mayor of Usk five times, died on Thursday, 17th of August 2023.

The Usk Town Council clerk said last week, that the community “mourns the loss of a remarkable individual who dedicated his time and efforts to serving the town of Usk.

He sat on the town council in the town as a Welsh Conservative.

“Roger’s contributions as Mayor have left a lasting impact on our community. His commitment, passion, and tireless work for the betterment of Usk will always be remembered. He was a true leader, always putting the needs of our town and its people first.”

Roger served on Usk Town Council for 42 years and was Mayor of Usk five times. During his tenure Roger played a vital role in shaping Usk and ensuring its growth and prosperity. His dedication to public service was an inspiration to us all. He will be greatly missed, not only by those who had the privilege of working with him but also by the entire community.

He was chairman of the Sessions House project and helped oversee the restoration of Sessions House which reopened in 2011 after 12 long years of building work

He told a gathering of Usk town councillors, civic dignitaries and local business people at the opening ceremony that it had been “a long 12 years.

“When we bought the building for £90,000 it was less the salubrious than it is now. We had a leaking roof, rotten windows and failing brickwork.

“With the help of a £90,000 National Lottery grant we are able to bring the whole building back to life and on the outside we’ve revealed the true colour of the bath stone.”

The town council offer their support and condolences to Roger’s family and friends, “who are undoubtedly experiencing profound grief”.

Cllr Tony Kear, who was fortunate to have Roger as his deputy when Tony served as Mayor for Usk told the Beacon that he and his wife, Kim were deeply saddened to hear of Roger Galletley’s passing so soon after losing his wife Sue and indeed on his 81st Birthday.

“Usk has lost another of its characters,” he added.

“Friendship was at the heart of our respect - essentially driven because the Galletley and Kear families grew up as neighbours in Priory Gardens and then Maryport Street not forgetting our love for cricket via Usk CC, West Wales holidays and gardening.

“Roger was a towering man in so many ways - physical in stature, his articulate oratory skills and his unstinting dedication to Usk - whether via 42 years at Usk Town Council including 5 times as Mayor, St Mary’s Church, Usk Twinning Association, Usk Rugby Club, The Late Late (Charity) Christmas Show, Usk Conservatives, the start of Usk in Bloom and to me, his legacy to Usk - the Sessions House acquisition which he arranged for Dame Norma Major to officially “open” after an extensive refurbishment programme.

“Such was my respect for Roger that I insisted he be my deputy when I was fortunate to have been elected as Mayor of Usk in 2008/9. His constitutional knowledge was immense as was his wise counsel.

“I could not wished for a better person to formally present me with my Usk Community Award back in 2015 and I indeed it was no surprise when Roger was one of the first to congratulate me on being elected in May 2022 to be the Monmouthshire County Councillor for Usk.

“His sense of duty was always to the fore and was his sense of humour. His dedication and proud standing up for his son Shaun and Mencap was remarkable - bringing the Old England cricket 11 to Usk CC in 1979 raising funds for Mencap.

“As friends, councillors and professionally we will miss him enormously. Our chats, our calls, our mutual ribbing we will never forget.

“We send our deepest condolences to Suzanne, Shaun and Stuart alongside their respective families.”