The Diocese of Monmouth saw a new vicar installed at Raglan’s Ministry Area Monday night when the Bishop of Monmouth, the Right Reverend Cherry Vann led the service.

The service for the collation and induction of the Rev Kevin Hasler took place on February 10 and marked the beginning of him as leader of the Ministry area.

He will be taking over from incumbent, Rev Sheila Toms who had been associate priest alongside Tim Clement and shouldered the burden as well as a number of lay eucharistic ministers or LEMs who are able to take communion at different places.

The Bishop was supported by the Archdeacon, the Venerable Ambrose Mason and the bishop’s chaplain, Canon Dr Stephen James.

Following the processional hymn, prayers were said. Readings were taken from Acts 4, vs 32-35 and a gospel reading from Luke 24: 13-25 preceded the sermon.

Rev Kevin Hasler started off as curate for Raglan’s area and then went to Llangwn Gwernesney and Wolvesnewton as priest in charge and following a break, went to Usk as ministry leader for five years.

Kevin said that being inducted as the new incumbent is like "coming home and I am looking forward to seeing all the familiar faces".

Rev Toms, who has been incumbent since 2008 said: "I have enjoyed looking after Raglan all these years although there have been a lot of funerals recently.

"I will still be here as an associate priest so I will just carry on" she added.

Before closing the service, the Right Reverend Cherry Vann said: "A vacancy brings additional work and additional responsibility to the people here who have kept the ministry going across the ministry area so I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you, to Sheila especially who has held the fort and others who have ensured worship and sacrement continues to be celebrated and shared.

"There have been clergy who have visited to fill in the gaps where necessary and a thank you to particularly our churchwardens who have carried the can even more so during a vacancy.

"Thank you to all who have remained faithful and hopeful during this vacancy and now you have a new incumbent, please don’t all step back, carry on what you have been doing, supporting Kevin and ensuring there is a genuine sense of teamwork and a collaborative ministry across the parishes and churches across this ministry area".