THE Monmouthshire Beacon from 50 years ago was a significantly different newspaper than the one seen today. In 1970 the paper was six pages for the grand price of fourpence.

The March 20 edition featured the heated discussion of pedestrianising parts of the town, with the borough council putting together a committee to see how Church Street traders feel about the prospect of preserving Church Street for pedestrians.

Traffic troubles on the A40 junction by Wye Bridge are nothing new. Four motorists were fined for turning right onto the Wye Bridge coming down from Raglan.

Scandal appeared within this week’s pages, with Judge JS Russell granting a divorce to Mr and Mrs Oven on the grounds of adultery.

Mrs H Howels was hailed for her quick thinking in preventing the spread of fire from a council house in Wyesham, by closing all the doors and windows. Following the fire, Monmouth council ordered the electrical wiring of similar houses to be inspected on the recommendation of the borough surveyor.

The housing estates’ leader Cllr RRH Willcox said: "It’s a tragedy to see such a well kept house in such a mess after the fire."

The go-ahead was given by the secretary of state for education and science, Edward Short, for Osbaston have a new primary school built. It was one of seven new schools in the county at a total cost of £1,001,000.