A wellbeing Advice and Information event is being held at The Shire Hall on Saturday September 9 in the Community Room.

Entry is free and anyone is welcome to pop in and have a chat to the many organisations and businesses that will be attending to offer a variety of help, advice and services for wellbeing.

Organised by town councillor Jem Jenkins-JOnes, the organisations booked so far include *The Breathing Room *Monmouth Food Bank *Period Dignity *Bridges Community Centre - Volunteering project, Befriending project, Inclusion Projects, Community Car Scheme *Hope Support Services *SOS Wyesham Christian Fellowship *ThriveTribe Nutrition Club *Citizens Advice Bureau *Karen Morgan Counselling *Therapy With Horses *Wye Valley Shiatsu *Mind Monmouthshire *Lasting Change, Aneurin Bevan Health Board and Wales Yoga

Cllr Jenkins-Jones told the Beacon: “I'm studying to be a counsellor at the moment. I want to help people and so many are struggling at the moment with their mental health and financially. It's one of the main reasons I wanted to become a councillor.”

Funded by Monmouth Town council, the event starts at 11am and finishes at 3pm.