TUTSHILL Church of England Primary School has been given “excellent” ratings in its latest inspection.

The SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) gave an “excellent” grade overall and for the impact of collective worship.

The report found “The vision of the school is expressed deeply through actions that change lives.

“This is fully entwined with Christian values and learning behaviours.

“Inspirational leaders are routinely driven by the vision to ensure that adults and pupils are equipped with resourceful resilience to flourish in today’s world.

“There is a culture of high aspiration which ensures that adults and pupils ‘believe and grow’.

“Deeply profound spiritual experiences are planned for and embedded across the school.

“Leaders have shaped a bespoke curriculum with love so that reflective learning builds personal success. There is a profound sense of God’s love working through collective worship and this permeates through the school, added the inspectors.

“Adults and pupils are dynamically strengthened by the ways they lead and express the vision through biblical stories, liturgy, songs and prayer.”

Inspectors also found that pupils had a confident understanding of difference and diversity “through learning about respect for themselves and others and this was a strong feature of the Religious Education curriculum.

Seven values, linked to an aspect of the school’s vision are “deeply rooted”, the inspectors said.

Collective worship “embraces a school community of all faiths and none.”

“There is a quiet enthusiasm from adults and pupils as they embrace this deeply reflective time.”

Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the ways they use the vision to be inspired to make a difference in the world.

“The school council, eco-council and other pupil committees are determined to show the school what changes they can make so that the lives of others are enriched.”

The one “area for development” stated: “Further enhance the ambitious, creative and dynamic RE curriculum to include regular opportunities to check that pupils remember even more.”

Executive headteacher Jennifer Lane said: “The school was last inspected in 2015 where it was judged to be ‘outstanding’.

“Since then the framework has changed, the bar raised and the outstanding grading removed.

A new grading of ‘excellent’ was added.

“Since the inspection on Tuesday, March 14, the school has been informed that less the 10 per cent of church schools are judged as excellent.

“It is a real honour to have the hard work of the school’s leadership team recognised.

“The inspector spoke with leaders from across the school and those responsible for a range of areas.

“Each leader spoke with passion and dedication, allowing to see the inspector to see the inspirational leadership at Tutshill School.”