A FORMER beautician who left her job at a Wye Valley salon doing hair and nails is now raking in £7,000 a month – as a full time ‘witch’.

Jessica Caldwell, who ran her beauty business from a salon in Tutshill across the river from Chepstow, now works solely on social media, reading tarot cards.

She quit her job of five years after a ‘’spiritual awakening’’ while scrolling through Instagram during a shift as a nail technician.

After purchasing witchcraft books online, Jessica discovered her talent for reading tarot cards and ‘’fell in love with crystals’’.

She quickly set up an Instagram account, in January 2021, offering white witch and tarot card services, and was instantly bombarded with requests for readings.

Jessica, orginally from Lydney, now has over 5,000 clients, and says: “I’ve always been a witch.

“I just never had the tools to utilise my power until now.

“Intuition is a powerful tool that I never realised I used in my daily life.

“Now I utilise it within my readings with complete strangers.

“I only work on Instagram and am earning three times more than I was before working in a salon.

“My friends and family were worried when I started working full-time.

“But once I started to earn good money they supported me!”

In December 2019, she discovered a paranormal group on Facebook. and, intrigued, she bought a collection of crystals and a set of tarot cards from Amazon that same day.

She added: “At first I was extremely sceptical, but I was really curious. On my breaks at work in the salon I’d be researching tarot cards and crystals, I became obsessed.”

First she selects tarot cards for her customer and then records her readings, which are usually five to ten minutes long, via voice memo.

Jessica, who charges £5 up to £60, explained: “It just exploded online, within six months I had 16,000 followers.

“I realised I’d have to start charging for my time as I was getting so busy. I had this woman approach me for a reading and I kept getting the name Steve.

“Eventually I had to say something – which she revealed was the name of her partner.

“I was spooked but amazed by my intuition.”

In January 2021, Jessica’s client base became so large she decided to pursue witchcraft full time.

Jessica, who now works 10 hours a day, said: “They often ask about love.

“People want to know what their partner thinks about them.

“Sometimes I do have to tell them the brutal truth.

“Some people just want a nice chat which can be just as helpful as a reading.

“I also give free advice on spell work and spirituality.

“I show people how to create protection charms.

“I even show them how to attract people to you.

“I’ve had a few trolls, but my clients have been respectful and lovely.’’

Alongside the financial benefits, Jessica is able to work from home while ‘’picking and choosing’’ her own hours.

With intuition, a set of tarot cards and crystals, Jessica encourages other women to join the world of witches.

Jessica said: “It’s really changed my life, it’s my calling.

“I do always encourage other women to give it a try, I’ve been on such a journey of discovery.

“A reading can discover so much about someone’s life.

“It’s like therapy for them.

“I always get people crying, saying that I’ve changed their life.

“Additionally, I do everything within the comfort of my own home.

“I don’t see myself ever going back to the salon. I wish more women and men would trust their intuition.

“It’s a powerful tool when used properly.”