Due to the Chepstow racecourse event, the most suitable route for the 65 to take due to the closures in place from 11am Friday 30th June and Saturday 1st July.

The 65 will leave Chepstow bus station and follow its normal route up to High Beech roundabout, it will then divert from here taking the A48 towards Crick, once at Crick the 65 will turn right onto Crick Road heading to Shirenewton, it will turn right immediately after the Tredegar Arms pub and then immediate left onto Ditch Hill Lane, at the crossroads (Usk road B4235) the 65 will go straight on heading towards Itton were it will carry along its normal route from Itton Common to Monmouth, the 65 will unfortunately have to do this in the reverse order on its way to Chepstow

The above diversion will mean we will miss the following stops whilst the duration of the closure is in place :-

The stops are : Chepstow Hospital, Kingsmark Lane, Yew Tree Cottage, Cophill Farm, Howick Lodge, Cross Bledynn.

Friends of the 65 Bus were also pleased to accompany Councillor Catherine Fookes on a trip between Monmouth and Chepstow recently. Councillor Fookes represents Monmouth Town Ward and will be standing as the Labour candidate in the next General Election and this was an opportunity for her to experience the importance of a regular bus service in a rural environment.

She was impressed with the work and dedication of the Friends of the 65 Bus and their commitment to work with Monmouthshire County Council to make the rural 65 Service between Chepstow and Monmouth a success and make it a route of which all can be proud.

Councillor Fookes was able to talk with drivers and learn from passengers first hand how important this bus service is for so many reasons - work, shopping, pleasure and providing a community spirit in which everyone is included.

Councillor Fookes said “All credit to the Friends of the 65 bus for the work they have done raising awareness of this well-used bus route and to Monmouthshire County Council for supporting it. I met people on the bus for whom this bus service is literally a lifeline. They don’t drive but want to continue to live in our beautiful rural areas – without this bus they would have no means of travelling to our towns and they would have to move. The number 65 is also great for our tourism economy – it can be used to get out on some of the wonderful walks we have in Monmouthshire without having to use your car and the electric bus is obviously a brilliant way of reducing our county’s carbon emissions.”

On the return trip from Chepstow, Councillor Fookes travelled on the new electric bus…..a quiet, comfy and eco friendly mode of transport, the future of public travel.

The 65 Bus welcomes all passengers and continues to provide an important service to those who live on the route and for visitors coming to the area. Do take a journey on this very scenic bus route.